Top Five Udemy Courses on Filmmaking

There comes a time when you desire more in-depth content than what social media can offer. We have posted our top 5 must see Udemy courses for someone interested in filmmaking.

#5. Wrightsville Beach Studios’ SOUND for Film and Television

Wild dialogue, room tone, and walla, oh my! This will instruct you on microphone polar patterns, how to mount a lavalier and the proper technique for booming a shot. Additionally, this course includes a section on audio location scouting tips and mitigating room echo.

Wrightsville Beach Studios also offer another Udemy course on lighting, but this is a bit much for beginners as I doubt you’ll have a HMI, need a ballast, etc. Regardless, it’s a good resource for familiarizing yourself with studio lighting.

#4. Film Sales and Distribution Masterclass by Jason Buff

We can all dream, but this masterclass helps one to understand the nuances of U.S. and overseas’ distribution in addition to multiple options of content delivery (cVOD, TOD, FOD, EST/OTT). Delivered in a live stream, lecture format. This lengthy course covers marketing; lessons learned; the role of sales agents, distributors and aggregators.The sheer amount of content this Udemy course provides is why it made our top five!

#3. Record Your Voice Like A Pro! The Complete Voice Over Course

This is the best introduction into voice over techniques that I have found for the money. You will find 3.5 hours of content covering microphone selection, as well as how to edit clips within Adobe Audition. Individual Audition effects are described to the point where I use this as an ongoing reference. This also includes generic topics, such as normalization versus compression, limiting or gates.

#2. Andrew St.Pierre White' VIDEO SHOOTING techniques loved by pro broadcast filmmakers

An overall look at how Andrew created his 4xOverland travel series. This beginner documentary course will discuss shot selection, coverage, equipment considerations, the importance of sound and story. I am a big fan of Andrew’s courses and his one-on-one, ‘show and tell’ delivery. Here are the others I’ve purchased:

#1. Indie Film Hustle’s Hollywood Film School: Filmmaking & TV Directing Masterclass

Five hours of content (including the film) featuring interviews throughout pre- and post-production. Multiple sample documents are provided including an Actors play or pay agreement. Lately, this class has been broken out into three individual purchases; however, you can still find the complete one above for less overall cost.

If you enjoyed this blog or have other suggestions, hit us up or give us a like on social media!